
So that was Christmas. Tom woke up at 7:30 (a new record!) and I got myself out of bed at 8:00. I got some clothes, a pair of nice speakers, cash from family, and that big Beatles book. Madeline got lots of money, but a third of it is now gone since her wallet was stolen yesterday. Tom got video games and gift certificates.

Last night was a little get together at Spencer's house. Anne, Erik, David, Dan, Shannon, Alice, Sarah, and myself were in attendance. We played scrabble, balderdsh, and cranium. We joked around and stayed up late. It was fun. Today I think I'm going to put some effort into the college applications that I am so lazily procrastinating on. Note to schools: putting deadline right after Christmas break is WRONG!

Now I'm looking forward to newyears. It's interesting, the first post I put on this site was about last newyears, a party at Sarah's house. 2000 has been an interesting year, not quite as eventful and euphoric as 1999 was, but it's been good.


Happy Christmas Eve. Madeline is going through a lot of old family movies. We certainly made a lot of weird moveis. Madeline, Tom and I weren't really sportsy kids, so we filled our time with bizarre creative games, many of which involved the camcorder. Ahh memories.

Colin Campbell, if you're out there: I really want to talk to you before you go back to school.

While I have absolved myself of most gift-giving responsibilities, I still need to go out and get something for Madeline. I guess a CD.


Sorry no updates in a while, exams hit and that tends to disrupt things.

Flash forward to Tuesday, December 19th. It snowed today, which means we take our last two exams in January and SCHOOL IS OUT FOR WINTER BREAK! Two weeks of sitting around doing next to nothing!

Well, not really. I'm going to seriously attempt to read Ulysses and I have about a billion college applications to do. So far I'm 0 and 1 on acceptance so, I'd better take my time. I'm going out and doing something with Erik soon. Snow sure is pretty. I'm going to put up some pictures or something.


OK so the site was down for the first time ever.

There was a snafu involving the August theft of my Mother's credit card. But that is now taken care of.

John's Birthday party was this weekend. In attendance were: Keller & Allie, Isley, Madeline, Nelle, Erik, Amy I., Ashley, Sean, Johnathan, Jim, Anne, and myself. We hung out downtown and at the Daily Grind, which is fast on the way to becoming the number one employer of Athens Academy seniors. I got him a copy of Belle and Sebastian's "If You're Feeling Sinister" which everyone Everyone EVERYONE NEEDS!

At your local mega-bookstore there is a graphic novel (hardbound comic book compilation basically) called "Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth" buy it and consume it. It is truely art. I can't reccomend it highly enough.

Exams are coming up. Boo. I have lots of essays to write for schools. Boo. Christmas break is approaching. Hoo-Ray. The end of Y2K is near.