
I'm going out of town for Thanksgiving. I'm leaving in about four minutes.

Chip: you never e-mailed me the info we talked about. I tried to talk to you yesterday, but I guess you're already on vacation. Try to get something done with Casey, I can work on it Sunday. You know what I'm talking about.

My big important college interview is coming up soon. Everyone wish me luck.

If anyone out there knows the location of a large or extra large original Final Fantasy T-Shirt (it would be from 1989 or 1990) tell me ( colmore@colmore.com I will pay a ridiculous sum of money to acquire one.


Athens is beautiful in the fall. Without warning, half of the trees all turn a wonderful shade of orange, and the air is full of gently falling leaves. The moon gets bigger, and the sunsets get nicer. The air is brisk and everything feels close and cozy. People wear nicer clothes. You can see your breath.

It's strange. As anyone who would be reading this site knows, I'm a Senior in Highschool. I'm applyng to colleges. I'm looking toward my future. I'm probably going through more rapid change that I ever will again in my life, but somehow things feel stagnant. And I don't mean that in a strictly bad sense.

I just feel somewhat removed from the events around me. The little dramas of my peers, the constant nag of grades, the concerns that take up my time. Somehow it all seems scripted or unreal. Everything seems to be marching in place.

Driving today, I nearly went off of the road I was so shocked by a gorgeous sunset. I exaggerate, but it was truly increadible. Everything is changing. But it seems the more my life shifts, the less attention I pay it, and the more the larger things seem to matter. I don't know...


I voted today. In the end, I went for Gore. I hope he wins by a very very slim margin. I don't want Bush in the Whitehouse, but the Democratic party has to learn that they can't run the same kind of losers that they ran in the 80's. errr.... and another thing, election day should be a holiday, or at least a saturday.

My mood is determined entirely by the weather. The sky gets gray and the wind starts blowing and I get all introspective and I write bad poetry etc. On the lighter side of things, I'm really really getting into the Big Star CD (two album set, Number One Record and Radio City) and man is it good. I can't believe that they weren't popular in the 70's, it's so mainstream.

Two big events: Madeline (my sister) is in the school play, which was in the one act competition. The play won region and they are going to state this saturday, and Madeline got best actress in the region!!! I'm so proud. I'm such a stage brother. Way to go.

I took the SAT on Monday. It was the alternate date, since I had a cross country meet on Saturday. The big news there was, THE SAT IS RIGGED!. My friend Michael (who has nothing to worry about, SAT score wise) took the alternate test with me, and he had seen the test before it was the exact same test that he took this Spring. He's sure of it. He recognized the passages, the vocab, and the math. They called up ETS, who flatly denies this, but if you knew Michael like I do, you'd believe him. Attention Colleges: This is not a joke. The SAT actually does get repeated. My friend Powell took the alternate SAT-II writing and had the exact same essay as I did when I took it a month earlier. Once again, I'm not kidding here.