
i'm getting so lazy with this... ok to do:

be more regular in my homework, blog, and bathroom visits... i will redesign this page, just you wait

i went to new york for a college viewing trip it was rad. here's a rough itinerary to the events, maybe this will be a long post.

FRIDAY : get in some last minute Chrono Cross, rush all over town and buy some last minute things. i bought Ulysses (james joyce) some shoes and a CD player.
SATURDAY - very very early - : come home at 1 AM from the Yo La Tengo show. It was pretty cool, but we had to leave early. the odd thing about the show was that amy irving came along. the 40 watt club wasn't exactly her element, but she seemed to enjoy herself. i stayed up packing until about 3 AM, and then...

SATURDAY - 5 AM - i woke up to go catch the bus to atlanta. the busride is now something of a blur, i remember not sleeping and talking about George Bush or something like that. on the plane i sat next to amit and john. all three of us slepped off and on.

SATURDAY - we arrived in New York, which is apparently running on the honor system these days, because there was no security at the baggage claim in the airport. john and i formed the "don't act like a stupid tourist in new york club" in which we didn't act like stupid tourists (i.e. we didn't stare up at buildings like morons, didn't giggle at accents, didn't yell out "DMX lives here" when bussing through Harlem, didn't step out into traffic like crazy animals etc.) we went to Columbia, very nice, and saw this very 80's looking solar power car being pushed along (it was overcast). that night we saw "Jitney" an off broadway production about this group of 70's african americans who work in a car service. it was very good. we went to sleep at 1 AM on Sunday. for amy and i that means 2 hours of sleep between seven on friday and one on sunday, 42 hours, 40 hours awake. i was delerious.

SUNDAY - woke up. amy and i caught a train, with no adults mind you, and rode down to Princeton, NJ. saw Princeton, which gets the most unfairly good dorms of all time award. we met up with michael ritter and brandon van dyck. both of whom are doing fine. we caught the train back up to new york. on the way back, amy got a rather humorous hit-on from this guy from upstate new york "maybe you'll be in niagra falls sometime, do you want my number?" we met back up with the group to see "De La Guarda" at six (more on that in a second) but the important thing is without help we, small town country folk that we are, were able to find Penn station, catch a train, get to Princeton, and make it back without getting lost or killed. we felt very adult and mature.

SUNDAY - 6 PM - saw De La Guarda. first impression: what do you mean i have to stand up? we walk into this little black room with a white paper ceiling. no seats, no stage, just a croud of artsy and rich looking new yorkers and a bunch of tourists. i think "this is going to be pretentious crap" the new age music starts playing "crap" i say again. lights go on above the paper ceiling and we see shadows of people swinging over, and ping pong balls being rolled out to the middle "total lame crap, i'm leaving in five minutes" i tell my self. then it goes NUTS, the ceiling gets torn down, the music gets drum heavy as hell and the cast of the play is running up and down walls suspended from the 50 foot real ceiling by bungee cords and harnesses, rapping and yelling in a mix of demonic chatter and portugese. it was AWESOME i highly reccomend it. read the book of revelation before seeing it though.

SUNDAY - even later - we rode somewhere halfway to Providence. our bus driver was a friggin moron. he didn't know anything. i could have found my way around better than him. he talked loudly, and blasted NPR at random intervals late at night and early in the morning and to top it all off (literally) he wore a hairstyle that can only be described as a parody of a bad comb-over. even the teachers made fun of him. MONDAY - we saw Brown. I was pretty nonplussed to tell you the truth. Providence RI, is nice, but didn't seem very young person oriented. while in providence, john skipped the opportunity to go see this little indie record store. Amit (the other one) later talks to him about it:

  AMIT: john, you should have gone, there was a Sid Barrett tribute album.
  JOHN: ghhha!
  AMIT: it was on vinyl
  JOHN: ghhhhhhhaaaa!
  AMIT: there were a bunch of people i had never heard of on it.
  CARTER: was pavement on there?
  AMIT: yes.

MONDAY - a bit later - i think we visited Yale, i don't remember when, but all i know is that at some point we were at Yale, which was nice but in a bad location. later we went to Boston which wins the nicest city ever award, and ate wonderful food and walked around and shopped and such. it was around this point that i gave up on trying to profit from the trips food budget and began to overindulge in every tasty looking thing i could find. i ate a lot of chowder. there was this streat musician playing violin, wonderfully, i was entranced. i watched for about a half hour and bought his CD. we met up with mixon, who was in town for a meeting with harvard's football coach (yes, we hate him too) that was cool. john spent the night with his brother darby who's in MIT's graduate business program (yes, we hate him too)

TUESDAY - morning - we walked around Cambridge, which gets the even better than Boston award - for a while. amy got to reminisce about her summer (she went to harvard for 8 weeks). we then toured harvard, which gets the i want to go there so badly that i'm setting myself up for a huge dissapointment because they only take like three kids award - it's so nice, and it's in the greatest place on earth. later we looked at boston u, which was also very nice, and john and i spent a good two hours looking for a record store after that, to no avail -- i was on a quest to find the vasselines album, which i'm beginning to think is out of print. we then packed up and got on the bus.

TUESDAY - evening - on the bus ride something magical happened. complete and utter truthgame madness broke out. between "never have i ever" and "truth or truth" on the back of the bus i learned a whole lot of things about my class. bonding by shared embarassment.

WEDNESDAY - lets see... we saw Amhearst and Trinity. both fine schools, but too far outside the city. we got back into new york that night, just in time to get dressed up for the DINNER CRUISE!!!!

WEDNESDAY - later - we go down to the docks lookin' sharp, especially the girls who were showing off their recent acquisitions from shopping. highschool girls must all deal crack, because they have too much money. john and i both shell out dough (like $18) for disposable cameras. we get on the boat. it's wonderul, dimly lit, nice and romantic. we pull out, and then some music starts. but it isn't light jazz or classical, it's "Come Sail Away" being butchered (if that's possible) by the worst band ever. later they put on this show, starring "Chad" who is of questionable sexuality and certainly questionable dignity. they danced around and sang bad songs in atrocious costumes and horrible smiles. they got eric sherman, the jessicas and chase to help out, which was funny. after the performance there was a wonderfully cheesy and goofy dance. eric got a line started. amit and ms. loyd danced. inbetween all of this we rode around the statue of liberty and all stood around on the front of the boat and talked and enjoyed the breeze.

WEDNESDAY - even later - so then we got off of the boat, and took a bus over to the empire state building and take in the view. it was very very very beautiful. some people bought fake rolexes. we go back and we go to sleep.

THURSDAY - morning - wake up. go to NYU. it was allright, very cool school, in a very cool town, with very nice dorms, but some of the areas especially washington sq. park were pretty scrungy. after that we have one last hour and a half to eat and shop. amy ben john and i managed to lose amit, but he was ok. we went to the tower records in the trump tower. i found a cool japanese beck import as well as dr. octagon and finally bought some built to spill and some pixies.

THRUSDAY - later - we went to the museum of modern art. we had a guided tour (boo) for an hour. i got to see picasso painting with the woman in front of the mirror, which has always been my favorite. there was also a large amount of cool pop art and a nifty short film. they're doing some big additions to the museum, it should be nice in a year or so. i also think that i got some design inspiration from a monet peice.

THURSDAY - around 9 or so - we get on the plane and take off. i got the great seat away from everyone else, next to a quiet woman and a flight attendant. boo.

THURSDAY - midnight - we land, take the bus home. it was a mostly quiet ride. i got home. i slept.


i'm sick today... bleh... i'm staying at home.

college applications are really really beginning to rear their ugly heads. I've started to write the essays. Princeton, why do you have four? Why can't everyone use the common application.

oh and TACO has started back up under the steadfast leadership of yours truely. It is our hope this year to construct a battle bot. I know it sounds crazy, a buch of highschoolers with no engineering knowledge building a killer robot. But yes we think it can be done. If you happen to know anything about anything that would be helpful in designing/planning/building a small remote controlled robot with a mounted rotating weapon (kind of like a saw, but i hesitate to give too many details) then we'd love to hear from you. colmore@colmore.com as always.

I am really going to redesign the site now. it is time.


ok... so i'm lazy and busy at the same time, and that means no blog updates... this'll be a whirlwind..

last weekend, labor day weekend, my cousins Hallie, and Lucia, ages seven and five, came over. I spent just about the whole weekend with them. The drawing of Donkey Kong I did with Hallie got into some Dallas area first grade show-and-tell. A bigger award than I have ever received in my life.

we went to go see Tim Nielson (john's older brother) put on a little performance in the coffee house where John works. Tim, you're awesome.

Cross country continues to progress. I ran a 31:30 at our first meet, which is TERRIBLE, even for me, but yesterday at Barry college I dropped a good three minutes to a respectable (for me, i was still in the last tenth of the people running) 28:25.

Erik and I finished his kick-butt computer. We saved about $1000 over buying the same machine from Dell or someplace.

I got Chrono Cross. Tom and I bought a Playstation just to get this game. Man oh man oh man, I am guilty of no exaggeration when I say that this game is easily the greatest thing, living or not, since the birth of the universe, and I am including the universe itself in that statement.