
sorry no updates in a while. school started and there went my time. ij'm not going to bore you with many details about class and stuff.

school's going to be good but hard this year. i have many classes with friends.

this weekend has been RAD so far. last night was the cross country dinner, which wasn't too cool, but after that was the Parlament Funkadelic concert with Erik and Anne! That show ruled!!!! we got there at about ten thirty and the band came on at eleven. all of the Georgia Theater was crammed with drunken frat and sorrority girls. the music was loud, we got funky. lots of good fun. we should have gotten up on stage, but we didn't.

today erik and i planned on building his computer, so we drive over to the UPS office/warehouse to pick up the components, only to find that they aren't open. not only were they not open but the warehouse was about abandoned. the big door was open and we went inside. we could have taken the computer parts as there was no security and the door to storage was wide open. but we couldn't sign for it. so we drove off.

i made nelle her page today.

erik and i finished out the day by going downtown and partaking in a UHS experience, which loyal readers will note hasn't happened in a while. nother as crazy as the double car crash incident back in spring, but it was fun. we talked to dane van dyck and commented on the relative attractiveness of downtown females. so all in all a good day. tomorrow i have to plan the shows for TACO and acedemic bowl for the club draft assembly. we need members so badly!


so ok, yesterday sucked

the day starts out dull, until about 3 pm. erik calls me up to over to his house and figure out what we're going to put in his computer. en route i am to go by kroger and get a driver's license (i lost mine up in virginia) well they wouldn't take social security as an id. so i leave.

i was going through an elaborite turning around scheme designed to not take a left onto the atlanta highway, when exiting from a mcDonnalds, something aweful happened.

I was taking a right out of the aforementioned mcDonalds. I look to the left, all clear (though for how far I couldn't say, there was a big bush). I look to the right to start turning and who do i see but Michael Coenen, Amy Coenen, and Jared Fisher, driving toward me. I pause to make sure it was them, I wave, I turn. screeeeeech.... wam! in the amount of time i had spent pausing and waving, some one had come up infront of me. so yes, this was entirely my fault. my bumper is damaged. it looks like the back panel of his car is dented pretty bad, but thankfully i don't think there's any frame damage. he was going slow and i was barely moving so no one is hurt. insurance is going to cost me though.

so i come home (i don't go to erik's) and sulk. finally john calls me up and we (along with the usual gang of madeline and nelle) go to the waffle house, and who do we see but keller and zach! now as i don't like going into unpleasant personal things on this site i have avoiding mentioning the unfortunate soap opera between my sister and zach but lets just say that didn't help in making the evening go any better.

chrono trigger II comes out today and it had better be damn good.


Well amazingly, Courtney Love is not a moron, now can we have the old Hole back?

I've just been bumming around town of late, mainly with Anne and others. I went to two days of the 40 watt club Kindercore Expo 2000, in which Kindercore (a local label) has all of the artists signed to them play short sets at Athens' most famous venu. Of Montreal ruled, and Jenna Epps, who went to 8th grade with me is apparently friends with them and Olivia Tremor Control. There's also this band called "Easy" who were really rad. AND I got the Kindercore 3 disk sampler CD for $10 of my mother's money so all has been really really cool.

John is still working a lot, so i haven't seen enough of him. Andrea (Lennon's friend) has a cool apartment. Running is going well. hrm... what else...

ahh yes, school is going to start just a little over a week, my schedule:
AP Calculous BC
AP Bio
AP Literature/Composition
AP Latin ( egad this will be rough )
Drawing and Painting
As you can see these are going to involve a fair amount of standardized tests by the good folks at ETS. If anyone out there has taken any of these APs and has some friendly advice to give our hero, then feel free to drop me a line (colmore@colmore.com ). I'm kind of looking forward to school, like a fiber strong diet, it provides regularity.

Paper Fuzz and Jewphoria are playing a real live show this monday so that will be fun, and good luck to everyone involved. Friends' bands are so nifty.

I still need to go out and get some textbooks from the University Bookstore. I need to start thinking about a new page design. I need to write some e-mail. I need to get back on a sleeping schedule that doesn't resemble the Hawaii time zone.


today was fun. after running and driving my mother to the doctor, i speant from two to midnight with anne, isley, erik, and johnathan in various stages doing various forms of nothing. doing nothing with friends is the single greatest activity in the world. hrm... what detail to expound upon...

well this one kind of stunk but: erik anne and i see that the 40 watt has a big show on tonight at 8, so at about 8:30 we go there and check it out and nobody is there at all. when somebody walks out of the club, we ask whats up and he responds, "oh thats a mistake, we're all a little out of it. one of our closest friends shot himself last night." we were all hyped up to see good local music and we learn that some great guy just shot himself. it wasn't anyone we knew but still... well at least that was the only real downer of the evening.

around eleven while we were sitting in bluesky, shanon mclemore (who graduated athens academy two years ago) and her boyfriend from SMU walk in. they're both fantastically nice people and incidentally, probably the most attractive couple currently in the city of athens. shanon has allways looked good, and she's looking better than ever, and her boyfriend... if i had one tenth of his appearance, i'd have no trouble with anything in this world. and both of them are nice and charming and friendly and intelligent. remember : envy is a sin.

tomorrow i'll try to go over to lennon's friends' new apartment.


well the reunion was mindnumbingly dull, except for the canoe trip, which was actually pleasant.

we get there on friday and are instantly hit with a complete and utter lack of anything to do. this was the reunion of the branch of my family that i didn't even know existed. a bunch of my dad's cousins. it was fun for him, catching up with people and such, but being "reunited" with people you don't know is hardly a blast. madeline and i watched a lot of television.

but we got back in town yesterday and went out with john and nelle. that was fun we hit the waho, barnes and noble, and damons. a good return to athens. i'm not sure what's up for today.

this weekend Of Montreal are playing... yes...


Well I've been back in town for about a week now. I've been spending much time with john, jared, anne, and madeline. last night isley and erik were over and we watched "easy rider"

a few nights ago we (me, anne, jared, seth) were downtown and this random bum/rapper named "jazzy jay" comes up and does this cheddar cheese rap for some change. that was fun.

so now i'm going to virginia for the family reunion which will hopefully not be as mindnumbingly dull as madeline and i fear it will. talk to you all on monday.