
GHP is over.

I'm sorry I didn't post enough while I was away, but that only means i was busy. Over the last week I :

Ran in a 5k -- I did horribly, i was sick, it was hot, and i'd eaten some bad shrimp, and i suspect that the course was long)

Presented in the Math fair -- Zach and I were one of six groups to do so, and our project went fine

Finally took some pictures -- I'll post them to "gallery" when i get that up.

Got my drawing in the art show with the art majors! -- i'm pretty proud of this, the picture turned out well.

Had the last dance, exchanged e-mails, and said goodbye. Adios everyone, it's been so very very very fun. Please keep in touch, we'll have to get back together some time.

So I'm back in town now, and I've just been spending the last few days with friends. I was sad to leave, but I'm glad to be back home in Athens.


so its been nine days since i updated... sorry.

GHP is less than a week from being over, and is slowly winding to a close. I'm starting to take mad amounts of photos... I'll post worthy ones when I get home.

Zach and I finished our project, we pretty well proved that you can't divide by zero if multiplication and addition are to have any real relation to each other. so all in all the project was a success.

For the eighties dance I ended up going as Rob Smith. Most people didn't get it I got a lot of "What is that, Rocky Horror?" but enough people caught on, especially the RAs.

Today a bunch of my Roommate's friends are in town... they're going to bring me some Taco Bell or something. Later I'll play some pool and watch a play. That'll be fun. And to everyone in Athens: see you in a week, I'm about ready to get home.


pain is knowing that someone somewhere, right now, is watching Dr. Strangelove and you're not there. Hell is knowing exactly who and exactly where.

last night was the 70s dance. they didn't play "Anarchy in the UK." I understand why, you can't really dance to it, but it did render my punk costume (the only one amid 100 or so disco-ers !!!) somewhat less effective. next week is 80s. maybe someone will lend me a suit and i can go as a Special.

so i just finished my class write-up for math, and only 13 minutes to spare. I wrote about the Z squared mapping in complex space. good stuff.

Zach and i continue to attempt to divide by zero. So far here are the consequenses of such an action:

the distributive property is null and void.

zero times zero does not equal zero.

we're not sure if zero's inverse plus zero's inverse will equal one or zero in mod space, but we're working on it...

multiplication can be a group, which it isn't under any other number system.

we have yet to even think about extending this system to all reals or all integers, but we have a week and a half, which is plenty to conquire infinity.

should anyone in Athens care at this point, i'll be home August 1st or 2nd or something around then.


my time is short but i need to post. so i'm back at GHP. our final math projects are beginning. Zack and I are trying to divide things by zero, which apparently violates a lot of fundamental rules of mathematics (like the distributive property) so that is going well. i've started ceramics in art, which means drawing is over. i got one really nice peice out of it.

i need to start taking pictures, i've only got like seven or so... hrm.... this saturday is the nineteen seventies dance and i'm dressing up totally Sex Pistols. that will be fun. i'm being kicked out of this room.


so yeah, this weekend was AWESOME. Yesterday I go out with nelle and madeline (she's back from art camp and didn't really enjoy it) we tried to see rocky and bullwinkle but flagpole dot com screwed up and gave a bad time for the movie so we just went downtown. we run into jared and jonathan and just chill for a while. erik met us at around ten and he and i went to the fourty watt club to see (not joking here) Penis Turner and The Impotent Sea Snakes. Penis Turner turned (ha ha) out to be a pretty charming little no name local band. I talked to their bassist after the show and he was really really nice. the Impotent Sea Snakes were unspeakably odd. They were your basic KISS fan, heavy crap metal, shock rock group complete with stage explosions, scantaly clad females of little relation to the bands music and suggestive costumes and dancing. a man dressed up as a nun threw condoms at the audience. we are all going to hell.

and now its sunday morning, in a matter of hours i'm going back to GHP. its been fun. Colin, i will definitely call when i get back in town.


ahhhh home. what a packed day it has been. i wake up do some math, give a presentation, ride home with allison (4 hours in the car -- it was short) get home talk to Mom + Tom + Dad go out with john nelle anne jared erik johnathan and spencer to the waffle house and downtown. downtown we run into jim paul cash lennon brandon alice darius seth and others it was all so crazy. spencer and jared came back over here and didn't leave till like 1:00. we played pool and perfect dark. now i'm tired but this is my first time to hit a decent computer so i'll probably be up till like three.


GHP continus to go well. Er math problem: find all positive integers (n) such that n! ends in 40 zeroes. have fun, it doesn't sound bad (oh and it was house number 64) This weekend i really truely honestly am coming home. See you all then. I'm ready to DRIVE. John, try to get free for a few hours, you silly convict. Tonight I watch Rocky II in honor of our great great nation. And hey, Chip, your 2000 project is half over. Amazing, i've stuck with this stuff.


as you may have figured out, i'm not home. well my long weekend has been delayed. see ya'll next week.