
tomorrow i'm coming home for the weekend. somebody find out if anything decent is going on at the 40 watt or georgia theater or something on saturday night.


I must say that diplomacy is the greatest board game ever created. period. without a doubt. i played germany and had a rather profitable alliance with britian but i was caught off guard when austria-hungary got new leadership and became really really agressive. I had left the fatherland unguarded while invading france and russia, and he cut me in half. but it was fun while it lasted. tonight i'm watching the graduate.

visual arts is going very very well, allready i'm drawing better than i thaught i could but man let me tell you the work that the majors are doing is intimidating these kids are good.

and then i figured : why should i get all the math fun? you too can participate in GHP math, because i'm going to be posting problems that i get in class here goes two:

find an exact map that takes every point on the surface of a sphere and maps it to a unique point on the complex plane plus one point at infinity (C uninion infinity) and vice versa. (this is hard, it took me and three other kids an hour)

brain teaser: sean lives on 13th avenue, with houses 13 to 1300. dwaine wants to know where sean lives.

dwaine asks sean if his house # is less than 500. sean lies to dwaine.

dwaine asks if sean's house # is a perfect square. sean lies to dwaine.

dwaine asks if dwaines house # is a perfect cube. sean tells the truth.

dwaine says all he needs to know now is if the second digit of dwaine's house # is 1. sean tells him the truth.

dwaine claims to know the house number. he is wrong. where does sean actually live?


GHP continues to go well. Last night was the dance. I danced. It was fun.

Today I'm getting e-mail stuff taken care of and updating this. I'm going to play pool in a minute, then i'm seeing a concert given by the music majors. later we'll play some "diplomacy" and i'll try to get some math done.

visual art is going well too, in five weeks i might post some drawings if i'm proud of them.

i got my chemistry sat-II back and it went well, thank you.

i'll see everyone in athens next weekend, so keep your schedules open and somebody check if theres something good going on at the 40-watt on saturday night.



everything is still cool. i watched "blade" last night. we just proved that the real number line maps onto the real number plane. i'm starting visual art tomorrow. i'm rushed for time. bye.


well I'm at GHP now. this is the first time i've had a chance to check email etc. come on people, write me. i want to keep up with whats up in athens. colmore@colmore.com

everything is going good except the heat and rain. people are nice. it isn't the immediate connect with fourty people feeling i had a TiP, but nonetheless it is very nice.

math is a lot harder than i thaught it was, but i'm encouraged by the other students. you know its good when on the first day, there is a massive race and struggle to get into a class called "the mathematical foundations of computer science." me i'm staying away from computer classes here, i did that last summer and i want to get some good solid math. heres my schedule:

period 1 : number theory
period 2 : problem solving
period 3 : twisted space ( graphs of complex numbers )
period 4 : manifold deformations ( topology )

and i got into the visual arts minor... yay!!!!


in a matter of hours my mother and i are driving down to Valdosta so that I may begin Governor's Honors Program. I'm going to be taking 6 weeks of math. why was I chosen for this? I think its 'cause i'm the only one in my grade who would willingly subject myself. I also hope to do some creative writing or visual arts as well.

So I had quite a sendoff yesterday. I went downtown and got my hair cut (it's too short now) I bought some T-Shirts ("the Beatles" "Calvin and Hobbes" and "Shaft") and a whole butt load of CDs. lets see... Belle and Sebastian (i know own everything by them) Smashing Pumpkins, Primus, Manson, Flipper, Apples in Stereo, and... err I can't remember, but several more, I think I bought nine in all, which is quite a lot.

So i chilled with Madeline and Nelle downtown. There I ran into Lennon, who I used to pal around with in fifth sixth and seventh grade. We talked for a while. John came down and we all decided to see Shaft. Shaft was AWESOME it should win the best picture award for like the next seven years. Jared, Anne, and Spencer were also there. Lennon couldn't make it, i think he got in a fight with his mom. So we went to the waffle house and got cokes and joked around for about an hour. It was all good. Last night I went through the herculean task of organized my 190 or so CDs and putting them all into the two CD notebooks I got for GHP. well.... I'm off... anyone who has anything to say to me, send me an e-mail. I'll keep you all more updated than you would like to be I'm sure. Same hip place (right here on this page) same hip time (whenever)



the funniest site ever WARNING: adult themes.

so today i went over to the coenens' house to fix their computer again. i feel bad that i can't just wave a wand and make it a perfectly working machine, but i also know i'm doing more than any "trained" service technician could. and michael and i decided to rent movies tonight. we watched "airplane" and "take the money and run" both of which are hilarious. john, keller, isley, and madeline were here too. we then went to the waffle house and chilled and now here i am

tomorrow i have to get a physical, register for the "selective service" (draft) and buy some T-shirts. hopefully i'll get to do something with someone too.


its 2:53 AM, and i'm working on a new design for the page. yes yes i love this orange thing too, but all things must pass, and i am inspired by a happy accident in a photo i took in florida. for some reason i took a shot of the car ceiling, and in the window my dad driving, the clouds, the camera flash, and the clouds out of the other window are all reflected. its pretty stirring.


i'm back from Texas. i had fun with Stacey. RICE was really really cool. i can see why people like it. i don't know if its where I'll go or not, but they'll definitely be getting an application from me. the city is nice as well. it seems smaller than it is, and the local club music scene is more than adequate.

so i got back in town today and spared no time in going out and doing something. me, my sister, john, nelle, keller, and erik all went to Damon's to play the trivia game. john, nelle, and i were in first, keller etc. had given up and were guessing randomly and were in last. at the final round, though, they wager everything and get the correct answer (the question was about greek philosophers or something) so they ended up winning. ahh well...

am i the only one who thinks that the samual l jackson "Shaft" that is coming out this weekend could very well be the best movie of all time? we shall see...

governor's honors starts this sunday. six weeks of math nerd goodness, oh my.


well i'm back from florida. i actually got some sun, but you wouldn't know by looking at me. tomorrow i'm going to texas to look at RICE university and to meet up with Stacey, who i haven't seen since TiP last summer. high stacey, see you soon.

the new belle and sebastian is out, but there are forces conspiring against me and i have yet to make it to a cd store.


Hey, I'm at the beach. I'm writing this from rented computer time in the back of a Mail Boxes etc. So Me, The fam, and Nelle are all out here having a perfectly plesent time. The air is unseasonably chilly, but the water is nice. I'll have pictures posted before I leave for Governor's Honors. Hello everyone. See you soon.


there was a party at johnathans last night. he had a DJ and everything. the festivities were centered around the pool. there was a post party party at Allan Gallas's (spelling sorry) that i did not attend.

i took the chemistry SAT-II this morning.

we're leaving for the beach in about an hour. so i won't be posting for about a week. when i get back, i've got lots of pictures to put up.



so i took my last exams, precal (which went well), and latin (we shal see, this could be bad) but that barely matters because


so me and john and madeline and nelle pile in my car and hit the waffle house, then we go to johns house, then downtown. we run into jared and anne, we chill. we get Keller (O.C got out last week) and ate at the Mellow Mushroom. We then went to Matt Lakens' apartment, listened to some old Beck and watched some of "Kids"


somehow i forgot to mention the coolest part of "exam study" weekend. We (me, Madeline, Nelle, John, Erik, Anne, Jared, Johnathan, Isley, Chip) all went and saw a free concert in this warehouse. Elf Power and Sleeter-Kinney were headlining. It kicked ass.

so yeah,


never mind the fact that i'm going to be out of town in excess of 7 weeks, i am here and i am free.

tomorrow johnathan is having a pool party.