this week i flew across the US twice, and on the way back I watched most of it go by. (story of us is nearly unwatchable anyway, and that was our in flight movie) it was an interesting experience.
sometimes we forget just how BIG the good old US of A is. In most other countries, if you fly for four hours in one direction, then you are well out of the nation, but the US just keeps on going. From ocean to ocean you get coast-metropolis-desert-farmland-river-hills-metropolis over a four hour period (this is san fransisco to atlanta) and the whole thing just rolls on by and everything looks tiny, but you of think how big you are compared to just one of those tiny green splotches that is a tree, or dark circles that is a thousand acres of farmland. poets and astronomers and douglass adams talk about how tiny man is compared to the universe, but i'm having trouble just dealing with how big our nation is. and canada and russia are even bigger. but then again i'm having trouble dealing with a lot of things... like the 90's being over. it seemed to happen so fast, and yet it took a long long time. life has a weird doppler affect, things take when you're living through them but when you look back, its all compressed into a stream of quick memories. the passing of time is something else i can't deal with. like on thursday, i thaught to myself "wow, i'm about to go to california for five days, that'll be great" and i packed my bags full to prepare for that length of time and now i'm back home allready and the entire deal is about fifty or sixty memories that i can go over in my head in the space of about five minutes. that worries me about life. i have at least five and a half years until i'm done with college, but in five and a half years that will seem like no time at all. when i was a freshman i thaught about how different things would be when i would be a junior and i'd have a car and all of that, now here i am, 3/4 done with 11th grade and about to turn 18. i'm sorry i've rambled, i'm sure nobody has read up to this point, it's 12:30 and i should go to sleep, but i'm putting that off. i'll be awake for another hour or two, and that seems like such a long time right now.