
i went out with john to grab some grub. we ran into johnathan and isley downtown and ate at china express. erik mark and darius show up. when john has to go home i go sit at the UHS with erik mark and darius (ultimate heckling spot - the corner of Jefferson & Broad) to make fun of passersby. now craziness is famous for being around the UHS. once erik and brandon saw an old lady fall out of a van, only to be helped back in by a midget with a wheelchair. when i was last there, a limo pulled up and a guy in a big coat and a fuzzy red hat stepped out to go to the little coffee place. so expectations were running high.

i say to erik, "you know what would be the craziest thing to happen? a car crash. not one where anybody gets hurt, but at least a fender bender." and everyone agrees. not more than 20 minutes later does an old handicapped man back into the illegally parked car of a japanese woman and her daughter. while watching the proceedings there, we all agree that the only way it could get any cooler would be for another car crash to occur. so less than half an hour later, we here from the street behind us "screeeeech, BOOM!" and we run up the hill to see it, and in the middle of the intersection there is this white car, banged the hell up, and some woman on a cell phone. man it was crazy.

i suppose it sounds a little cruel, even morbid, sitting around hoping for car crashes, but you have to understand the context. we were allready spectators to the random craziness that occurs in downtown athens, and its not like we wanted anyone to get hurt. so anyway that was that, and it was fun.


here is the new design, i hope you like it


a few things... filming on What's The Deal 3 is progressing beautifully, and we've degenerated into low physical humor for the third time around, hence it will be the best ever. I am still mono-stricken and I have to take the worlds most impossible math test tomorrow morning, so that should be interesting. A new design is definitely in the works and if you would like to see a beta of the flash splash then go to http://www.colmore.com/proto. That is all.


well everyone has gone on to the academic bowl state meet and i am left here being alone and sleepy with mono. so i guess i have no more excuses to not work up a new design...


well lets see where to begin... it's been 9 days since i last updated and some big stuff has happened.

i've seen my mid term progress report grades and they aint lookin so hot. I've fallen in half of my classes. But I went to the doctor the other day and I found out one of the causes for that. yes ladies and gents, I've got mono. I really don't know how, but I've been tired as nuts for the past four weeks and this explains it. so i'm going to quit weightlifting and i'm going to have to skip a lot of play practices and i'm going to try and get to sleep early. it should go away in two to four weeks so i'll be allright.

last night was the sadie hawkins dance (girls ask guys). now dances at my school suck, but sadie ususally sucks worse, and last night's dance was increadibly bad. i had a pseudo date with Nelle; we and twelve others went and ate at Thai of Athens. Good food and good times. Dinner was loud and crazy. We then went to the dance, where of course no one was dancing. My school is small, we've got less than 400 people in our highschool, my graduating class will be 70-something. The Tillman center where we have dances has recently been enlarged, which is nice for lunch, but creates a big empty spot on the dance floor. That combined with the fact that we are just about the whitest school alive, and the fact that our administration has really cracked down on kids showing up drunk means everybody just stands around most of the time. But last night was especially bad because the DJ was called at the last minute and one of his speakers didn't work so we were dancing to just a subwoofer which sounded like crap and two thirds of the usualy (bad) music selection wasn't even there. Needless to say we left early for the party at Johnathan's house.

About twelve people, male and female, spent the night at Johnathans. I really can't get into the details of that without getting a lot of people very angry at me, but I'll say that lessons were learned, friends were made, much fun was had, and much sleep was not. Which really isn't good for someone with mono. Now i've got two and a half weeks of math homework to catch up on today and I am so unbelievably tired right now... well, that's that, i'll try to start writing frequent and short entries again.


Don't see "Mission to Mars" it isn't worth six bucks or even two hours. It aspires to be 2001 and completely fails. The ending, which is no surprise at all if you have seen a single ad for the movie, attempts to shock you with the idea (an idea that is spelled out about three times during the movie) that the martians started life on earth. 2001 dealt with the progress of man in technological society, and never even tried to explain itself; it allowed itself to be interpereted and discussed without teaching or preaching. Mission to Mars also completely fails in scientific accuracy. The spaceships look nice and real and all (although the computer effects make everything look a little like Toy Story) but when they talk about DNA I wanted to leave. The astronaughts are able to identify the species that DNA codes for just by looking at it "that looks like human DNA" And dinosaurs didn't evolve from crocodiles!!! The Alien that they find is some sort of crying Indian/mother figure and then all of the astronaughts join hand in hand around a projection of the earth. I expected them to start singing "Kumbaya." The film fails to succeed in any one area. Even the special effects are weak, 2001's really look better. To it's credit, though, the cenematorgraphy is nice at some points, and some scenes are admirably tense, but no movie that has you pulling for the character's deaths so much can ever be classified as "good."
flying this week i flew across the US twice, and on the way back I watched most of it go by. (story of us is nearly unwatchable anyway, and that was our in flight movie) it was an interesting experience.

sometimes we forget just how BIG the good old US of A is. In most other countries, if you fly for four hours in one direction, then you are well out of the nation, but the US just keeps on going. From ocean to ocean you get coast-metropolis-desert-farmland-river-hills-metropolis over a four hour period (this is san fransisco to atlanta) and the whole thing just rolls on by and everything looks tiny, but you of think how big you are compared to just one of those tiny green splotches that is a tree, or dark circles that is a thousand acres of farmland. poets and astronomers and douglass adams talk about how tiny man is compared to the universe, but i'm having trouble just dealing with how big our nation is. and canada and russia are even bigger. but then again i'm having trouble dealing with a lot of things... like the 90's being over. it seemed to happen so fast, and yet it took a long long time. life has a weird doppler affect, things take f..or...ev..er when you're living through them but when you look back, its all compressed into a stream of quick memories. the passing of time is something else i can't deal with. like on thursday, i thaught to myself "wow, i'm about to go to california for five days, that'll be great" and i packed my bags full to prepare for that length of time and now i'm back home allready and the entire deal is about fifty or sixty memories that i can go over in my head in the space of about five minutes. that worries me about life. i have at least five and a half years until i'm done with college, but in five and a half years that will seem like no time at all. when i was a freshman i thaught about how different things would be when i would be a junior and i'd have a car and all of that, now here i am, 3/4 done with 11th grade and about to turn 18. i'm sorry i've rambled, i'm sure nobody has read up to this point, it's 12:30 and i should go to sleep, but i'm putting that off. i'll be awake for another hour or two, and that seems like such a long time right now.


(play music here) "come back from san fransisco, it can't be all that pretty..." well yes it can, even on a series of grey and dreary days the city was very very nice. Dad me and Tom stayed there for four days, and I just love the place. The stated reason for going was so that I could investigate UC Berkeley and Stanford. UC is very nice, but Stanford is UNBELIEVABLE.

It just feels like a great big bike riding, coffee drinking nice time. I went during "dead week," which is the week right before exams and still everyone seemed pretty laid back. You wouldn't have guessed that it is one of the most academically competitive schools in the nation. And the campus... wow. It's just gorgeous, the buildings are all in a similar style so it really feels unified, and everything is green (even in March) and tree-lined. Wow. If only there was some way I could get admitted...


Well I'm in San Fran right now, updating on a comp-usa display computer. It's an iMac, very nice. I just went and saw Berkely and I really liked it although, I was a bit depressed by the out-of-state admissions rate (12%) Yesterday I bought Basement Jaxx, Clinton, and Something Else by the Kinks. All highly reccomended. That's all the time I have for now. I'm seeing Stanford tomorrow and I'll write about that when I get home. San Fransisco is a really nice city.


I'm listening to an npr archive interview with Stephen Merrit (of The Magnetic Fields) which transpired on valentines day. Good stuff.