
I'm_testing_the_mozilla_alpha_build._if_you_don't_know _anything_about_software_development _apha_builds_are_unfinished_buggy_versions_several _months_before_the_real_software_release._the_spacebar _doesn't_work_in_text_form_intering_on_mozilla._and_i'm _also_writing_my_paper_on_hemmingway _now._so_my_day's_going_well._also_grooving _to_those_catchy_Magnetic_Fields.


Rocky and Bullwinkle is genius, GENIUS i tell you!!!!!


Let me explain movie club. Basically it's this thing that Spencer R. started, a group of us go out on friday and watch a movie. Me Spencer and Anne allways go and then others usually come along too. it's a great deal of fun. so we've been thinking about cars and colleges, cars are much easier to shop for, because none of them will say "no we don't want you, you're not good enough to drive us" well, i can't drive a stick but that's another matter. i'm only a junior so college isn't an immanent thing just yet, but time flies so it's good to look. i think i like Brown, it doesn't have a core curriculum, which means i could double major in Math and Computer Science and still fit the other classes that i want into my schedule. of course getting into an ivy is no sure thing for anyone, and i can allways go to georgia or georgia tech. so... i'm not worried, just a little anxious.


Well I'm sick. School is cancelled again tommorow, which is good because I would have probably gone flu or no flu.

anyone that wants to play quake3 can mail me at colmore@colmore.com


Sorry about the recent lack of updates. The power has been down and our cable has been out. So I'm over at john's and I'm just taking two minutes to do this. We've been out of school for two days now, thanks to power problems there. Yay.


I have seen the worst movie ever made. It is "The End of the Affair." I generally have a pretty high tolerance for things, but no not this. It's bad when you say to yourself "Gee this sure is a long movie" and look down at your watch to find that you've only been in the theatre for fourty minutes. But it's REALLY BAD when a movie uses that you-know-its-art technique of the voice over for the entire friggin' movie!!! Oh he's one of the characters from his own book! Oh the destruction of the war represents the love she's just denied herself! Oh see how the red dress stands out! Well good job, movie, it looks like your scriptwriter took elementary 101 "Obvious symbolism and irony" but that can't save you from the fact that you have a very very boring love story told by two (yes the tell the story twice -- key footage is REUSED!!! GOD DAMN!!!! ) painfully boring people. Now I've never been a fan of romance drama but please... these things at least have to have emotion... and someone is going to say here "but they were distant and disilusioned" well the English Patient and about fifty billion other films have done that well without having characters that remind me of the bleak sex for sex sake relationship in 1984. Oh and on that point, the sex for sex sake, this movie has more gratuitous nudity that any film ever. I rarely use the word gratuitous, I personally thaught that the constant F-wording in "Magnolia" was a great play on the multiple uses of the modern all-purpose vernacular, and well done insane violence (Like Face/Off ) is great entertainment. But this is ridiculous. These filmmakers somehow made frontal nudity of two attractive people unnappealing and dull to a 17 year old male. THAT takes effort. Honestly, if you went out with your camcorder and filmed some good looking woman in the buff, I could say about the film "well at least she's naked" but no... not here... they focused on odd angled nipple shots and a 45 second focus on the guys pasty white brittish bum. GRAAAAAA! We left the theater thirty minutes early, but it was pretty damn obvious that the girl was going to die, the "subtle" forshadowing of her coughing in every scene was about as obvious as anything else in the film, and the guy was an author. As the film was set in World War two, I found myself rooting for the Nazi bombers to kill all the principle characters, as that would have been the only satisfying ending. Wait that's not true... spontaneous combustion or some other sudden death would have worked well. If you like pretentious piles of garbage starring good actors in terrible roles written by someone who obviously hates the English and wants you to hate them too, then by all means pay seven bucks to see this. I on the other hand got in free, and I want an hour and a half of my life back. I was sorely ripped off.


I was standing in a driveway waiting for my sister to come out and I looked up at the sky. The Earth's shadow slowly marched along the face of the moon, it was an ecclipse you know. I could here my car stereo which I left running; I was listening to the Flaming Lips appropriately enough. Then in one gigantic moment of cosmic insignificance a plane passed over the moon as the ecclipse finished and the moon the plane me and the sun were all in perfect alignment. The moment passed and my sister came out of the house and we drove home a little too fast.


Yesterday was amusing, I went to the school for a few hours to get some work done on my Hemmingway paper, and I got a little done actually. I ate lunch with John, Anne, Spencer R. and Jared and then we and about fifteen other people threw Michael a surprise birthday party for his big 1-7 at the bowling ally. I bowled terribly of course. We ate pizza at Michael's house and played the most horribly aweful and sadistic game known to man... "wall ball" perhaps you are unfamiliar with wall ball, perhaps you've never seen combat footage from D-Day, but anyway here's wall ball: a group of males (i doubt any females in the history of the human race have ever been this dumb) go out about twenty to thirty feet infront of a wall, and begin throwing a small ball against it, you take turns catching the ball and then throwing it, innocent right? no. because if at any point you should fail to catch the ball, or if you should be hit by the ball when it is not your turn, you must walk up to the wall, face it, and allow the ball to be thrown at your head. you think i'm kidding, but i'm not. after the third time this happens, you're out, but before you can quit, you must stand against the wall and EVERYONE gets to throw it at you. what a horrible horrible game. but aside from that the day was cool.


Well I just got back from John's house and we're mostly done with the Latin project. It's a hoot. The funniest language promotional video ever made by me. It stars a Battletech robot who must choose which language he will study in the 8th grade -- Spanish or French, dissatisfied with his choices he takes a magical journey through time and around Rome, where he realises that Latin is the right language for him. On the way he meets three spirits of foreign language and a sad sad arch, as well as Cicero, the transforming box of french fries. Shot in stunning stop-motion, this one has to be seen to be believed. I give it two thumbs up, which means that in the Colloseum, it would get killed twice.


Today was "Service Day" at school. We all had to volunteer to do something. I helped out with the roller skate special olympics. It was great. The kids were wonderful and I had a blast. I purchased some CD's: Neutral Milk Hotel, Sonic Youth, Pavement, Public Enemy, the Flaming Lips, and the Velvet Underground. I've been enjoying them. Last night I saw "Next Friday" it was funny, but it cheapens the original, I wish they hadn't made it. We've got this three day weekend now, thank you so very much Dr. King, for everything, and I'm sorry to say it will probably be a boring one for me. I've some major work to do for an English project, I've gotta catch up on Pre Cal homework and I've gotta make a video for Latin. Homework is quite the drag. that's it for the summary. talk to you all soon.


Well our homeroom is doing this grade incentive thing wherein if we all make our targets we get some pizza. I'm going to apoligize to them in advance because an A in Latin is probably NOT happening. Too bad. Bo Diddley is playing at AMF in about a week, and I think I'll go see him. That should be fun. My parents and I have been talking about college a lot lately. I'm thinking about a lot of schools, Berkley looks good. And If I could get in then Stanford or Princeton would be awesome. I wanna get out of this region of the country in the worst way. Thats it for now, boys and girls. Eat drink and be fruitful.


Powell is making the "Crazy video" everyone is participating in the dancing scene, I refuse because I dance like a moron and the thing might end up on national TV. But I'm in the classroom scene and i'm riding in a car. John and I are going to have to do some kind of video for Latin this weekend. That should be interesting... I have nothiung more to say. Chronicaling the daily sludge of life is giong to be a depressing activity.


well i'm here at school right now, i'm supposed to be looking up something for computer science but i've chosen to neglect that duty. I really would like to get home and go to sleep, as I was kept up late by loud storm noises last night. The Magnetic Fields are playing in DC and I don't think there's any possible way I can get up there. Oh well, such is life...


Argghhgghgh... computer problems. We are the proud owners of a CD writer that has never and probably will never work. Grumble grumble grumble.... I think i need to play some quake... oh that reminds me, the fascist pigs at @home are going to cap outgoing bandwidth which means we can't run quake3 servers anymore which means no more private games. i suspect conspiracy...


hi and welcome to the new colmore dot com. yes it is the same blue color, but something important is different. i'm going to start using blogger to keep a journal. this way i should keep some content up, unless i get too lazy to post, which will probably happen.

happy new year/century/mellinium etc. how was your newyears? mine was awesome. i went over to a thing at the morangs' house. lots and lots of kids were there. various mixing and socializing went on. um... beverage consumption was surprisingly limited...

at midnight, when everyone yelled happy new year! sarah and powell pulled a fuse in the basement, making the lights go out. a simulated Y2k! oh those kids... and on the Y2k note, this has gotta be the biggest no-show in history. good job fixing the problem, i suppose.

after the thing at sarahs we (me, john, erik, mark, anne, ashley, isley, and darius) went downtown to the grill. the local staff had a special 2:00 am newyears treat for the patrons: the male cooking staff paraded around nude. yes it was a very man ass newyears. i got in at about three, sober and tired.

last night I saw "Magnolia," a terrific film by my account. better than "American Beauty", "Straight Story," or "Fight Club." (My other pics for 99's best movie) then i went and ate some sushi (my first experience with it) and i must say i loved it. er... that's about it. i'm working on the love program, a quake level, and hemmingway this weekend. hi to everyone that knows me. and if we haven't talked recently, e-mail me goddammit. (colmore@colmore.com)